Measure to within an eighth of an inch (fabric breathes and a tighter measurement won't be useful). Use inches only, no feet or yards, as is standard for drapery workrooms. the measurements indicated here are called FACE MEASUREMENTS. They do NOT indicate the size of the curtain panel which is FACE MEASUREMENT PLUS FULLNESS.We take allowances for clearing the sill or floor, rod size and drop as well as other small but important variables. Do not do this yourself.


Old fashioned casement windows usually open in to the room while modern ones open out. With the first, curtains are typically mounted on the frame of the working part of the window. The best way to figure length and width is to measure the glass and add an inch or more for overlap. This is how a window in a door should be measurement as well. We like to add at least 1 inch to each side and 1 1/2inches to the top & the bottom.


Parts of a Window

Sash - The part of the window that surrounds the glass
Jamb - The sides of the window frame
Stiles - the sides of the window sash
Rails - the top and bottom pieces of the window sash
Muntins - the narrow dividing sections of the window sash. Originally these held small pieces of glass together to form a sash. Now in modern windows, they are often decorative and only found on one side of a window.
Sill - the bottom part of the window frame which often extends past the jambs or sides on the inside or outside of the window (or both)
Apron - The trim piece which goes on the inside of the window below the sill
Head - the top of the window frame
Casing - The trim which fits at right angles over the window frame and covers the edge of the frame against the wall, hiding any space around the edge of the window frame.
Casement Stop - the trim piece at the bottom of a window which prevents the window from opening in to the room as well as out.

Types of  Windows

Fixed Windows - these can be any size, with dividing strips or 'muntins' in any pattern.
Opening Sliding Sash Windows - Also called Double Hung. Sliding sash windows use a double U channel track on the sides or jambs of the window surround. The windows are in two parts and one slides up and down in one channel, while the other slides in the second channel. Sash windows can be plain or have muntins in various patterns.
Opening Casement Windows - modern casement windows open outwards & vintge ones open inward, instead of sliding up and down like sash windows.
Opening Awning Windows - Awning windows are casement windows which are hinged only on the top instead of the sides. These are often found in basements.
Sliding Windows - These are most commonly seen in old houses on porches. Some older homes have sliding windows that push UP into the wall.